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In the packaging industry, there is a lot of focus on sustainability these days, but what really is sustainability? In a nutshell, sustainability means "producing a product with the least amount of environmental impact possible." The items are made using the fewest feasible raw ingredients. It is also critical that a product be reusable or recyclable. It's critical that the product doesn't degrade. When it comes to sustainability, how the product is carried is equally crucial.
Plastic packaging is becoming more popular in the Netherlands. The major reason for this is population increase. Another factor is that people are ordering more and more things online. More and more businesses are recognizing the need of focusing on sustainability. Not only is the transportation of all those goods sustainable, but so is the plastic soup.
Plastic is made using natural gas. This resource is rapidly depleting. As a result, different materials must be employed in the manufacture of plastic items and packaging. Plastic production also consumes a lot of energy. Furthermore, the gases emitted during plastic manufacturing are extremely detrimental to the environment. Because packaging accounts for 20% of our waste, it is critical that we pay attention to this. This is aided greatly by the adoption of environmentally friendly packaging.
You can ensure that packaging can be recycled or regenerated by utilizing sustainable raw materials like bamboo, sugar cane, paper, cardboard, and wood. Renewable packaging is created from 100 percent organic raw materials. These basic elements are renewable because nature can provide them practically endlessly. Sugarcane Plates and bamboo skewers are two examples of renewable items we provide.
More aspects that contribute to packaging's sustainability include:
Brada Verpakkingen is in favor of making packaging more sustainable. Our sustainable range consists of sustainable disposable tableware, sustainable skewers, sustainable printing paper & boxes, sustainable protective material, Butcher paper, hygiene paper, and recyclable plastic. All these products are sustainable or can be recycled!
Can't find the product you are looking for on the site or do you have further questions regarding sustainable products? Feel free to contact us and we will look for a solution together.